What to do if Vibratory Polishing Media breaks ?

Update:21 Jun 2023

If a vibratory polishing media breaks, here are some steps you can take:
Stop the Vibratory Machine: Immediately turn off the vibratory machine to prevent any further damage or potential hazards. Disconnect the power source or switch off the machine as per the manufacturer's instructions.
Safety Precautions: Ensure that you are wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves and safety glasses before handling the broken media. Some media may have sharp edges, so be cautious.
Clean Up: Carefully remove any large or visible pieces of the broken media from the machine. Use a broom, vacuum cleaner, or any other suitable tool to clean up the broken media particles. Take care not to spread the media particles around.
Inspect the Machine: Thoroughly inspect the vibratory machine to ensure that no fragments of the broken media are left inside. Check the bowl, compartments, and any other parts of the machine where the media could have settled. Remove any remaining pieces of media carefully.

Mini Rock Vibratory Tumbler

Mini Rock Vibratory Tumbler

Replace the Media: Dispose of the broken media appropriately. Once the machine is clean and free of debris, replace the broken media with new media of the appropriate type and size. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for the suitable media for your specific application.
Restart the Machine: Once the new media is in place and the machine is clean, you can safely restart the vibratory machine. Ensure that the machine is functioning correctly and that the new media is properly distributed within the machine.
Preventative Measures: To avoid future incidents, consider the following preventive measures:
Regularly inspect and maintain the vibratory machine to ensure it is in good working condition.
Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for operating the machine and using the recommended media.
Monitor the media during operation for signs of wear, damage, or degradation, and replace it if necessary.
Avoid overloading the machine with excessive media or parts, as this can put additional strain on the media and increase the risk of breakage.
If you have any concerns or if the breakage caused any damage to the machine, it's advisable to contact the manufacturer or a qualified technician for further assistance.


Mass Finishing Machines and Tumbling Media